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1281 results

0003176_Still_George Plemper 4.jpg

Oral History Excerpt - George Plemper

Plemper elaborates on the optimism of the 1970s. He considers the philosophy of the Half Moon Pho...

Oral History Excerpt - Jill Pack

Pack reflects on an initiative with group of women who were published in Camerawork and later rep...

Oral History Excerpt - Julia Meadows

Meadows recalls the efforts Half Moon made to reduce the elitist stigma around photography as art...

Oral History Excerpt - Lis Rhodes

Rhodes discussing the Circles cinema programme at the Four Corners and the importance of public s...

Oral History Excerpt - Lis Rhodes

Rhodes on how Circles used to advertise women only screenings, and how that helped with the confi...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren discuss how she joined Four Corners Workshop, the importance it had on her life and other ...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren talks about the different processes she learnt and how it affected herself and her brother...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren discusses how Four Corners and the workshops were used by the people, what it meant for th...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren talks about the importance of Four Corners for the community beyond the filmmaking.

Oral History Excerpt - Paul Trevor

Trevor discusses his photos of Brick Lane - then the most heavily policed area in the UK outside ...

Oral History Excerpt - Paul Trevor

Trevor discussing the spirit of the magazine and its roots in the community, and representing the...

Oral History Excerpt - Paul Trevor

Trevor discussing the 70s zeitgeist and political climate that allowed for Camerawork to thrive.
0003181_Still_Peter Kennard 5.jpg

Oral History Excerpt - Peter Kennard

Kennard describes his friendship with Ed Barber and how the idea of laminating the HMPW exhibitio...
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