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120 results


Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Nickey Hughes, who joined the staff a...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Mike Goldwater Collection

December 1977 Little Big Show in Whitechapel Art Gallery. Tom Picton had borrowed a 10 x 8 camer...

Leisure Out of Work - John Blake, Ron Haselden

Exhibition Poster for Leisure - Out of Work by John Blake, Ron Haselden; Home Entertainment by Gr...

Guatemala: A Testimonial - Susan Meiselas

Tower Hamlets News December 1983 with a brief mention of the exhibition 'Guatemala: A Testimonial...

Guatemala: A Testimonial - Susan Meiselas

The Islington Gutter Press December 1983 - January 1984 with an article on the exhibition 'Guatem...

Guatemala: A Testimonial - Susan Meiselas

Inner London Education Authority's magazine December 1983 with a brief mention of the exhibition ...

Exhibition - Simon Marsden

Poster for Simon Marsden's exhibition. Most of the images were made using infrared film.
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