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1530 results


Oral History Excerpt - Paul Trevor

Trevor discussing the 70s zeitgeist and political climate that allowed for Camerawork to thrive.

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren discuss how she joined Four Corners Workshop, the importance it had on her life and other ...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren talks about the different processes she learnt and how it affected herself and her brother...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren discusses how Four Corners and the workshops were used by the people, what it meant for th...

Oral History Excerpt - Lisa Warren

Warren talks about the importance of Four Corners for the community beyond the filmmaking.

Leisure Out of Work - John Blake, Ron Haselden

Exhibition Poster for Leisure - Out of Work by John Blake, Ron Haselden; Home Entertainment by Gr...
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No Access - Julie Mimack

Exhibition Poster for No Access: photographs by disabled people by Julie Mimack

Dream Home - John Chater, Chris Cheshire, Chris...

Exhibition Poster for Dreamhome by John Chater, Chris Cheshire, Chris Dorley-Brown, Anna Fox, Car...
0000079_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_The Food Shows, Food as Politics, Food as Ritual, Food as Metaphor.jpg

The Food Shows - Julia James, Helen Underwood, ...

Exhibition Poster for The Food Shows: Food as Politics, Food as Ritual, Food as Metaphor by Julia...
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