Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Jo Spence mailing out the second issue of Camerawork together with General Strike ex...
Mike Goldwater Collection
June 1976; Jo Spence with coffee cup reflections in her glasses, in the Indian curry house and ca...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence cutting up gallies for paste-up of an issue of Camerawork at Mike Goldwater's studio in...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence at work in the Half Moon Photography Workshop office at the back of the theatre. Pho...
On Allotments - Joanna Davis, Mary Pat Leece, R...
Shot on location in Newham, East London, On Allotments might be regarded as a companion piece to ...
Railman - Joanna Davis, Mary Pat Leece, Ronald ...
Set against the backdrop of state divestment in transport infrastructure, Railman documents the d...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 05
Issue 5: Barry Lane Bill Gaskins Bert Hardy and Tom Hopkinson Dave Hoffman Frank Webster Terry De...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 06
Issue 6: John Berger, Steve Hoare, Tom Picton, Nick Hedges, Roger Mayne, Jo Spence, John Tagg
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 07
Issue 7: Viva, Don McCullin and Philip Jones Griffiths, The Unpolitical Photograph?, Paris in the...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1977; A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, ...
Mike Goldwater Collection
A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...
Mike Goldwater Collection
A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...
Mike Goldwater Collection
A folding session for Camerawork 6 held at Mike Goldwater's studio at Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Left to right, Shirley Read, Mike Goldwater, Paul Trevor, Jo Spence, Terry Dennett and a voluntee...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Left to right, Shirley Read, Mike Goldwater, Paul Trevor, Terry Dennett, Liz Heron, a volunteer a...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence and Mike Goldwater at work in the HMPW office on the first floor behind the theatre. ...