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257 results


Derby Day - Pete Gunn, Paddy Bergin, Ed Baxter

Exhibition Poster for Derby Day - Pete Gunn, Paddy Bergin, Ed Baxter
0000037_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Redundant River.jpg

Redundant River - Ray Rising

Exhibition Poster for Redundant River an exhibition of photographs by Ray Rising of the dockside ...
0000041_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Women A photographic Exhibition.jpg

WOMEN a photographic exhibition - Dorothy Bohm,...

Exhibition Poster for WOMEN a photographic exhibition by Maggie Murray, Sally Greenhill, Val Wilm...
0000085_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Photography on the Curriculum.jpg

Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...

Perspectives on contemporary British Photography 2. Photography on the Curriculum The purporse of...
0000090_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_The Public Face of British Photography.jpg

Camera Obscured? Perspectives on contemporary B...

Perspectives on contemporary British Photography 6.The Public Face of British Photography. Semi...
0000091_HalfMoonCamerawork_Poster_Down the Road.jpg

Down the Road - Unemployment and the fight for ...

Exhibition Poster for Down the Road - Unemployment and the right for the right to work. Exhibitio...
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