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339 results


A Kind of Life: A home in Norway for mentally r...

Letter to Nicky Hughes from St Lawrence's Hospital requesting loan of A Kind Of Life exhibition d...

A Kind of Life: A home in Norway for mentally r...

Letter to Nicky Hughes from Mersyside Visual Communcations Unit requesting loan of A Kind Of Life...

General Press - Camerawork Magazine (Issue 08)

An article about Camerawork Magazine Issue 08 featuring the Battle of Lewisham

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1978; HMPW's third Photo Jumble Sale and Print Auction. Together they raised £1,800 for th...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1978; HMPW's third Photo Jumble Sale and Print Auction. Together they raised £1,800 for th...

Mike Goldwater Collection

March 1978; HMPW's third Photo Jumble Sale and Print Auction. with Tom Picton acting as auctionee...
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