Camerawork Magazine - Issue 32
Issue 32: Science and Technology19th c, advertisement, american, apalachia, arts council of great britain, body, brunel, canadian, classroom, computer, conference, cultures, discipline, documentary, education, erotic, fantasies, female, foucault, gender roles, glamour, great western railway, health, history, illumination, indians, industrialisation, isolation, jo spence, kingdom, knowledge, light, maxism, model, native, nineteenth century, nude, objectivity, panopticon, photographers in education, polysnappers, post-modernism, power, press, private, progress, public, punishment, rationality, records, review of work 1950 – 85, rhetoric, role reversal, science, scientific frameworks, sculpture, semiotics, sexual identity, sexuality, steamship, stereotype, stories, surveillance, technology, television mythologies, truth, typist, underprivileged, victorian, visual display unit, wellbeing, women, word processing
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 23
Issue 23: Reporting Back on Ireland1968, anti-imperialist, bobby sands, british, british government, campaign, capital, catholic, civil rights, communication, conflict, coverage, crisis, direct rule 1972, distribution, economy, evidence, feminist struggles, funeral, history, housing, housing authorities, housing control, human rights, hunger strikes, imperialist, industrial decline, industry, intelligence, interview, investment, ira, ireland, irish, irish parliament, labour, liberation, loyalism, manipulation, manufacture, media, monopoly, nationalism, nationalist movement, news, northern ireland, northern ireland women’s rights group, northern irish housing executive, operation, partition, political parties, political status, pow, prisoner of war, prisoners, propaganda, property, protestant, provos, public sector, reform, report, reporting, repression, republicanism, resistance, segregation, sinn fein, sis, socialist women’s group, solidarity movement, special issue, struggle, television, terrorism, trade union, tv, unemployment, war, women, women and nationalism, women and republicanism, women’s organisations, working class, youth against oppression
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 21
Issue 21: Representing the Disabled, Gaining Momentum - Eight Women Photograph Women, Photography...access, accessibility, action, art, arts council of great britain, bethnal green hospital, birth, bootle arts and action, care, community, copyright, copyright act, cuts, disability, disabled, east london health project, family, female, feminist, festival, funding, gaining momentum, greater london arts association, handicapped, health, home, infringement, intervention, license, magubane’s south africa, merseyside arts association, motherhood, mothers, national conference of socialist photography, outsiders, photojournalism, photomontage, plagiarism, political practice, politics, representation, rights, social documentary, soweto, stereotypes, text and image, trade council, trade union, well-being, wheelchair, wives, women’s movement
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 15
Issue 15: Images of the Disableda kind of life, advertising, adverts, angela kelly, being disabled, benson & hedges, cameroon, cigarettes, clydeside, congo, de-coding advertising, deconstruction of media, fantasy, fees for freelancers, helvard kjaervik, humour, jumble sale, labour, larry herman, limelight, lunn gallery, media representation, photographers' gallery, photographic collecting, self-image, shipbuilding, shipyards, v&a, west africa, woman's identity
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 06
Issue 6: John Berger, Steve Hoare, Tom Picton, Nick Hedges, Roger Mayne, Jo Spence, John Tagg'working lives', alternative technology, amateur, art photography, capitalism, centreprise publishing project, children's photography, class, commercial photography, curriculum, depth of focus, documentary, ethnography, factories, half moon photography workshop educational collective, industrial, marxism, mass reproduction, neo-realism, nude, objectification, paul strand, photography as evidence, picture post magazine, pinhole, portrait photography, printing, robert golden, roger mayne, routine, social realism, viewpoint, work, workers' educational association
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 05
Issue 5: Barry Lane Bill Gaskins Bert Hardy and Tom Hopkinson Dave Hoffman Frank Webster Terry De...'quality of life', alternative technology, amber associates, arts council, arts council photography committee
'quality of life', alternative technology, amber associates, arts council, arts council photography committee, barry kay, basement photography project, bbc, cable street, camerawork printing costs, children's photography, community arts, daily mail, daily mirror, developing, feminity, funding applications, hmpw, homosexuality, i.r.a, korean war, maire drumm, natural light, patronage, photojournalism, picture post, processing, semiotics, side gallery and cinema, social realism, strikes, tabloids, television news, text and image, thames television, the box room gallery, the sun, tower hamlets arts project, transgender, transvestite, vanessa redgrave, visual language, whitechapel art gallery, wwii, zone system
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 04
Issue 4: Quality of Life Children Photographed Black Stereotyping'children photographed', a.i.r., alternative representation, apartheid, architecture photography, bantu film experiment, black nationalism, black stereotypes, box room gallery, capitalism, children's rights workshop, colonial film unit, colonialism, creative camera, drum magazine, exhibitions, gender roles, ifriqiyah film collective, ikon, imperialism, jean mohr, light gallery, male gaze, male nudes, mass entertainment, photojournalism, picture post magazine, pin-up, playgirl magazine, pornography, quality of life', social realism, space, spare rib magazine, stereotyping of children, students, usa, viva magazine, voyeurism, women's magazines