Mike Goldwater Collection
A meeting at Mike Goldwater's studio in Fitzroy Road, Primrose Hill in the winter of 1977, perhap...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence and Tom Picton at the 'Kids and Photography' workshop event held with the Blackfriars S...
General Press - Half Moon Photography Workshop/...
Letter from Terry Dennet and Jo Spence about Half Moon Photography Workshop, a response to earlie...
Often During the Day - Joanna Davis
An early Four Corners feminist film exploring the domestic sphere. The film uses detailed close-u...
Bred and Born - Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Oxford House - Newsletter Number 4. Four Corners Film Mother And Daughter workshops in Oxford House
Cinema in East London
This is a tape/slide programme made by Wilf Thust, Ron Peck, Joanna Davis, Mary Pat Leece and Pau...
Bred and Born - Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Typed letter from Mary-Pat Leece to Jo Davis with film notes. Page 2 of 2
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 17
Issue 17: The fashion Spread, Blair Peach-No Cover Up, Matchgirls' Strike-Labour History Musuem, ...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 19
Issue 19: State of the Nation - E.P.Thompson, Photomontages by Peter Kennard, Edith Tudor-Hart - ...
Bred and Born - Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Typed letter from Mary-Pat Leece to Jo Davis with film notes
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 21
Issue 21: Representing the Disabled, Gaining Momentum - Eight Women Photograph Women, Photography...
Organisational - Four Corners
Cover letter to Joanna Davis from Colin Leventhal at Channel Four Television offering a workshop ...
Bred and Born - Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Booklet for the film including synopsis and production notes
Bred and Born - Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Photographs of workshop for Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Bred and Born - Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Photographs of workshop for Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Bred and Born - Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece
Photographs of workshop for Joanna Davis and Mary Pat Leece