198 results

Oral History Excerpt - Raju Vaidyanathan
Vaidyanathan elaborates on his experience of working on the film.
Oral History Excerpt - Chris Steele-Perkins
Steele-Perkins remembers the 1980s as a time when it was much easier to make money working as a p...
Oral History Excerpt - Chris Steele-Perkins
Steele-Perkins describes how he became involved in the project Survival Programmes with Paul Trev...
Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck
Peck discussing his early work and education at the London Film School.
Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck
Peck discusses the development of the film ‘Nighthawks’, Britain’s first feature film about the g...
Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck
Peck discussing meeting independent filmmakers and the process behind getting funding for Nightha...
Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck
Peck describing the evolution of Four Corners as a place where creative ‘things could happen’, an...
Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck
Peck discussing the pressure to create more ambitious and wider-ranging independent work against ...
Oral History Excerpt - Ron Peck
Peck reflects on Four Corners' relationship with local people in Bethnal Green at the time.
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Camerawork Annual Report 87/88 - including report on past 12 months and planning for future
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Gallery Programme with details of exhibitions held at Camerawork in 1986-87 including attendance ...