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283 results


Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Camerawork Annual Report 82/83 - including report on past 12 months and planning for future

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Camerawork Annual Report 82/83 - including report on past 12 months and planning for future

Organisational - Four Corners

Application letter to London Borough Of Tower Hamlets for funding during 1984/5 for the continuat...

Organisational - Four Corners

Letter from Alan Sapper (General Secretary of ACTT) to Peter Conway (Tower Hamlets Arts Officer) ...

Camerawork Magazine - Issue 30

Issue 30: Black Culture, Pictures of women, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Pop Videos, Images of War

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Letter from Habib Rahman (Committee Member) to Stevie Benzincent 23 February

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Camerawork Annual Report 83/84 - including report on past 12 months and planning for future

Organisational - Four Corners ACCTT Workshop De...

A booklet explaining the declaration required for ACTT approval for production units for film and...
0002652_Still_Is that it.jpg

Is that it? - Wilf Thust

A video compiling work from young people at the Four Corners' Cinema workshop. This film in si...

Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...

Gallery Programme with details of exhibitions held at Camerawork in 1985-86 including attendance ...
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