5 results
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 14
Issue 14: Reporting on Northern Ireland. Special Issue1916 easter rising, amnesty international, army computers, army intelligence photography, bloody sunday massacre
1916 easter rising, amnesty international, army computers, army intelligence photography, bloody sunday massacre, bo bojesen, british army, british empire, british media, british press, buzz logan, castlereagh holding centre, catholic communities, censorship, child poverty, chris steele-perkins, colin jones, daily express, daily mail, daily mirror, dhss, history of ireland, housing, industrial development, infrastructure, internment, ira, ira funerals, john z delorean, long kesh prison, mass surveillance, mcgurk's bar bombing 1971, northern ireland peace movement, orange movement, paramilitary organisations, peace rally 1976, peter kennard, photo-journalism, police surveillance, police violence, raissa page, republicans, roy mason, ruc, sectarian violence, sinn fein, snatch squads, social work today, special branch, steve chibnall, sunday times, syd shelton, the observer, the troubles, tom atkins, tony benn, ulster defence regiment, unemployment, unionists, upi, visor magazine, workers' research unit
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 31
Issue 31:Food: Images and Politics1984, a few hotheads, advertising, agriculture, archive, black audio film collective, body image, campaign, coal, colonial legacy, colonialism, colonies, community, consumption, control, desire, distribution, domination, easington, empire, ethnic, factory, farming, federation of community photography, fleet street, food, french, fruit preservers, guilt, gwent collage of higher education, history, import, indian, industrial dispute, industry, international women’s day, lipton, meat, middlesex, mining, naughty but nice, newport museum and art gallery, newport survey, orwell, packaging, photography course, photomontage, pleasure, political struggle, postcards, posters, preserves, production, racism, rural life, sexual violence, sexuality, signs of empire and images of nationality, slaughterhouse, socialist, sprouts, street market, strike, students, sugar, supermarket, tea, the commodities project, tondu photo workshop, tradition, vegetarian, weight, west midlands arts, women, women workers, working class, workshop, world
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 07
Issue 7: Viva, Don McCullin and Philip Jones Griffiths, The Unpolitical Photograph?, Paris in the...'paris de nuit', 1930s, advertising, alain garnier, audience, bill brandt, brassai, capitalism, crime, criminal underworld, david seymour, don mccullin, economic depression, fascism, general strike, hardy, herve gloaguen, magnum, martine franck, marxism, mass media, philip jones griffiths, photography book, photojournalism, prostitutes, prostitution, publishers, robert capa, robert golden, roger mayne, self-publishing, side gallery, vietnam war, viva, war photography, yves joanmougin
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 12
Issue 12: Portraits'public' vs. 'private' photography, 19th century photography, album photography, amateur, archetypes
'public' vs. 'private' photography, 19th century photography, album photography, amateur, archetypes, art photography, cabinet photo, calotypes, carte-de-visite, celebrity, commodification of sex, commodity, daguerrotype, david bowie, democratisation of photography, documentary, dolls, drug culture, early commercial photography, early studio portrait photography, environmental portraits, experiences of sitters, fame, families, family albums, fashion photography, glamour, holiday photos, hollywood, homelessness, housing, individuality, Memory, mothers, national campaign for the homeless, objectification, paparazzi, photo-portrait, pictorialism, pin-up, pop art, pornography, portrait, portrait photography, portrait photography vs paintings, portraits of musicians, portraiture, poverty, prostitutes, prostitution, publicity, punk, record industry, rembrandt, second sight, self-portrait, shelter, snapshots, star system, stereograph, storyville portraits, studio portrait photography, subculture, the nude, weegee, women photographers
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 17
Issue 17: The fashion Spread, Blair Peach-No Cover Up, Matchgirls' Strike-Labour History Musuem, ...1880, activism, advertising, anti-racism, blair peach, bryant & may, capitalism, cliches, commercial photography, community, conservative, copyright, court, deborah turbeville, demonstation, demonstration, depression, do it yourself, economic policy, environment, fashion, fashion industry, female gaze, friends of blair peach committee, guy bourdin, helmut newton, inquest, intellectual property, intervention, labour history, law, male gaze, match-girls, matchbox, mechanical reproduction, media representation, national museum of labour history, nuclear, nuclear power station, nuclear waste, peter kennard, photography/politics, pinhole, police, police brutality, political statement, postcards, printer, privacy, property, protest, racial tension, radioactive waste, representations of women, rights, social reform, stereotypes, strike, teds, union, unionisation, vogue, walkerprint, who killed blair peach? police racism, windscale, windscale inquiry