Organisational - Four Corners
Detailed proposal for funding for Four Corners, including the creation of the cinema at 113 Roman...
Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
A letter from Jo Spence to Sharon Kivland regarding funding receipts
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 29
Issue 29: Images of the Left, McClaren on Cable, Photomontage, Stuart Hall, Video
Mike Goldwater Collection
Autumn 1975; Jo Spence in the new office that the Half Moon Theatre had made available, a small s...
General Press - Half Moon Photography Workshop/...
Letter from Terry Dennet and Jo Spence about Half Moon Photography Workshop, a response to earlie...
Organisational - Four Corners
A letter from Channel Four Television to Joanna Davis regarding funding for 1984/1985 programme o...
Mike Goldwater Collection
December 1975; Jo Spence working on copy for the first issue of Camerawork Magazine on a borrowed...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Ed Barber and Jo Spence at work in the Half Moon office at the back of the theatre. Feb 1976 P...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Jo Spence holding an artwork on mental health issues designed to echo the London Und...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Spring 1976; Jo Spence mailing out the second issue of Camerawork together with General Strike ex...
Mike Goldwater Collection
June 1976; Jo Spence with coffee cup reflections in her glasses, in the Indian curry house and ca...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence cutting up gallies for paste-up of an issue of Camerawork at Mike Goldwater's studio in...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 17
Issue 17: The fashion Spread, Blair Peach-No Cover Up, Matchgirls' Strike-Labour History Musuem, ...
Mike Goldwater Collection
Jo Spence at work in the Half Moon Photography Workshop office at the back of the theatre. Pho...