Organisational - Half Moon Photography Workshop...
Catalogue of prints to be auctioned on 8 March 1979
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 11
Issue 11: Mass Obervation, Humphrey Spender, Nigel Henderson, The Metropolitan Police Card, Inspe...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 29
Issue 29: Images of the Left, McClaren on Cable, Photomontage, Stuart Hall, Video
Guatemala: A Testimonial - Susan Meiselas
Inner London Education Authority's magazine December 1983 with a brief mention of the exhibition ...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 18
Issue 18: Still Images on Television, Squatting in the news, Porn, Law, Politics, Marketing the M...
Camerawork Magazine - Issue 07
Issue 7: Viva, Don McCullin and Philip Jones Griffiths, The Unpolitical Photograph?, Paris in the...